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Category: Webmaster Tools

Create an efficient Banner Rotator in Json and PHP

Over the years, every Developer has sooner or later faced this “dilemma”.
Insert a Banner, Text or Link in a predefined position, randomly; the purpose is to show a different Image or Link each time a page loads. A common called “Banner Rotator” to be precise.

Technically, there are many ways to create this system.
Today, we want to share a Simple and Effective system, to create this system, using 1 file in JSON, and few lines of PHP.

Securely Share Your Files on IPFS with MyIPFS: A User-Friendly Solution

Are you tired of sharing files with cumbersome passwords and limited storage? Look no further than MyIPFS! This user-friendly solution allows you to securely share your files on IPFS without the hassle. Try MyIPFS today and experience the freedom of sharing files simply on IPFS.