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Dokky PRO Full Verison – The Complete Solution for Managing and Sharing Business Documents

Document Management is one of the fundamental activities for any Company, from Web Agencies to Small Businesses, from Public Administrations to fast-growing startups. But while many solutions focus on Storage or Sharing functions, Dokky PRO Full Version offers an Advanced and highly customizable System that allows you to Centralize, Organize and Optimize File Management in an innovative and secure way.

Sneak for Dokky PRO: Transform the Web into Documentation in One Click

A New Era in Document Creation

Imagine being able to instantly turn any web content into a professional PDF document, seamlessly integrated into your Dokky ecosystem. With Sneak for Dokky PRO, it’s no longer a dream.
Have you ever found yourself browsing the Web, stumbling upon valuable content that you’d like to save and share with your Users?

Documental Hub Script

I Vantaggi di un Hub Documentale per le Pubbliche Amministrazioni

Nell’era digitale, l’efficienza e la trasparenza delle Pubbliche Amministrazioni (PA) sono diventate essenziali per garantire servizi migliori ai cittadini e per mantenere coerente ed aggiornati i Documenti relativi al pubblico o internamente. Un Hub Documentale, che permette l’upload e la condivisione di documenti, può offrire numerosi vantaggi alle PA, migliorando significativamente il loro operato.

Vediamo insieme quali sono questi vantaggi.

Read More »I Vantaggi di un Hub Documentale per le Pubbliche Amministrazioni

Banner Rotator Example

Create an efficient Banner Rotator in Json and PHP

Over the years, every Developer has sooner or later faced this “dilemma”.
Insert a Banner, Text or Link in a predefined position, randomly; the purpose is to show a different Image or Link each time a page loads. A common called “Banner Rotator” to be precise.

Technically, there are many ways to create this system.
Today, we want to share a Simple and Effective system, to create this system, using 1 file in JSON, and few lines of PHP.
Read More »Create an efficient Banner Rotator in Json and PHP