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Carefully protect your Content on the Internet with a Creative commons License

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In a world where “Copying & Sharing” unfortunately have the same meaning, it is necessary to take serious measures when making content public on your web pages.

Leaving aside the topic of social networks, when you have a website or decide to make your content public on the Web, having a precise idea of ​​how, how much and where users can use your content is important.

Dokky PRO, Documentation Hub and Online Shop, is rightly enriched with this option, when Users upload their Files to the platform. In fact, during the Upload phase, it is now possible to precisely choose the Creative Commons License that best suits your needs. This useful innovation allows not only the protection of your contents on the network, determining what they can and cannot do with the Documentations, but it allows protection regarding the platform itself.

Dokky PRO
has also introduced, in conjunction with this new feature, an exclusive DMCA reporting system, so that infringements can be reported to the site Owner. This barrier, consistently with the topic of the website, provides a further filter for content protected by copyright. Furthermore, the exclusive Dokky PRO system automatically allows you to deactivate the online availability of the reported Document after a certain number of reports received.

The Owners of the portal will therefore have time to identify any infringements and remove the contents.
But these are just some of the many features of Dokky PRO.
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